Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Núark ShópRìet Óepanz Toodáe

(Noet: This poest iz Fanétisìezd WITTH áaksents faur siláabik stres. If yu haav a préfrans reegórding tekst witth áaksents aur witthóut, pleez let me noe yaur tthíngking véa éemail tu

I haav báakfìld tue poests yu miet wont tu chek out. Faur laast Fríedae, Septémber 28tth, I uplóedad a diskúshan uv a kúpool uv "Surprízing Ménshanz uv N.J. on T.V". Aand faur Súndae, Áugast 23rd, I uplóedad a poest abóut a "Sékand Jíant Stoen Kouch".

I haav shoen prógres piks óever méne muntths uv tha kanstrúkshan uv tha Núark ShópRìet aand asóesheaetad apórtmant hóuzaz. Tha staur óepanz toodáe, aat 10:00 a.m., aand I'm tríeying tu get thair tu taek píkchurz, but that wil haav tu be índaur piks faur nou, in thaat it iz ráening auf aand on aand I dair not ekspóez mi káamra tu raen. I saplí óenle wun fóeto, abúv, uv a páurshan uv tha staur frum Áugast 30tth, aand wil pravíed maur réesant fóetoez hwen tha wéthur iz not óenle kleer but áulso briet. I wont tu sho blu skiez, not grae.
I got a sérkyoolar abóut tha nu staur in tha mail a kúpool uv daez agó, aand wuz dìsapóintad tu se thaat the óuarz, aat leest aat ferst, or óenle 7:00 a.m. tu 10:00 p.m., évre dae, not 24/7. I fiend it od thaat the Eest Óranj ShópRìet kaan stae óepan 24/7, but tha Núark ShópRiet kaanót.

Monday, September 28, 2015

'Printerz in Rezidans' Sho aat N.P.S.

(Noet: This poest iz Fanétisìezd WITTHOUT aaksents faur silaabik stres. If yu haav a prefrans reegording tekst witth aaksents aur witthout, pleez let me noe yaur tthingking vea eemail tu

I atendad tha laetast ort-sho oepaning reesepshan aat tha Nuark Print Shop ("N.P.S.") on Saaturdae eevning. Mi frend Jere kaem in frum Manhaatan tu akumpane me. It's good tu haav a frend witth huem tu kampair reaakshanz.

N.P.S. prinsipal Saamer (pranounst sá Fuod (fúe.wod, aur iz it fúe.waad?) straetand tha botam leftmoest uv tha smauler prints hwen he sau I wuz about tu taek a pikchur, then sed, "NOU yu kaan taek tha pikchur!" He'z a good kid, aand a (foetagraafik) ortist in his oen riet. I aam NOT a foetagraafik ortist, oenle a foetagraafik doyoomantairean hu werks tu sho hwut iz haapaning in Nuark toodae.

This iz tha daskripshan uv thaat ort sho frum the eemaild inviet. (I indikaet sum miener karekshanz tu the Ingglish, in braakats. Graafik ortists or eksperts in the orts. Their teksts, houwever, sumtiems reekwiur karekshan by eksperts in Ingglish.
Join us!
Faur aan oepaning reesepshan:
Saaturdae[,] Sept[.] 26tth[,] 6-10 p.m.
Nuark Print Shop
304 Yueniversite Av[.], Nuark, N.J.[] 07102

The ortwerk uv Shaaran Lindanfeld, Aanjala Pilgrim, aand Luek Waulter.

This eksibishan shoekaesaz the ortwerk kreaetad bi ouar 2015 rezidant ortists[,] Shaara Lindanfeld, Aanjala Pilgrim, aand Luek Waulter. Faur siks muntths, theez ortists haav haad unlimitad aakses tu fasiliteez aat tha shop tu eksplaur aand engaej witth fien[-]ort printmaeking prosesaz in aurder tu ekspaan thair ortistik praaktis. This eksibishan hieliets the impaurtans uv aaksesibilite tu werkspaes aand reesaursaz aaz it shoekaesaz werk kreaetad in aan aaktiv, koeoprativ print shop riet heer in Nuark. The eksibishan iz on vyu frum September 26tth tthru Noevember 13, 2015.

Theez lorj prints wer, akaurding tu Peet Tueme, kreaetad on koper plaets kut frum ruefing koper. I tthaut tha lorj figyur on tha left in tha botam tue paanalz lookt liek a kaat. Peet tthaut it maur liek a pataeto! Thaat's the kiend uv vaareaeshan yu kaan get witth aabstraakt ort.

Heer'z maur info about the ortistts, frum the N.P.S. websiet.
SHAARAN LINDANFELD iz a Weehaukan, N.J.[-]baest printmaeker huez werk deepikts aambigyuas, dreemliek laandskaeps. She beeginz witth smaul observaeshanal drauingz then bloez them up intu lorj-skail prints. The imajaz or then traansfaurmed tthru tha yues uv eksperimental printmaeking prosesas. Shaaran kampleetad her undergraajuat digreez in printmaeking aat Dortmatth Kolaj aand Tha Skuel uv the Ort Instituet uv Shikogo aand ernd her M.F.A. aat Indeaana Yueniversite—Bluemingtan. Her werk haaz bin egzibitad naashanale aand internaashanale, inkluedng aat tha Kraakou Print Trieyeneal in Kraakou, Poeland; tha Lu Hiesu myuezeam in Shaanghi, Chiena; Internaashanal Print Senter in Nu Yaurk; aand El Minea Yueniversite in El Minea, Eejipt. She haaz werkd tha laast tue yeerz aaz aan edishanz printer aat vaareas printmaeking stuedeoez akraus Nu Yaurk Site.

AANJALA PILGRIM iz a self[-]taut ortist baurn in Paatersan, N.J. in 1991. Pilgrim werks preedominantle in tha meedeam uv paenting aand ilastraeshan, but haaz reesantle ekspaanded her werk tu lorj[-]skail skreen prints on faabrik. Influeanst bi her Aafrikan[-]Amairkan baakground, tha subjekt maater uv her werk is priemerile peepool uv kuler. Her werk kaan be daskriebd aaz pop-infyuezd kantemparere ort inspiurd bi tha stialz uv ortists such aaz Henre Matees, Kaara Wauker aand Mikaleen Tomas. She haaz shoen werk aand iz inkluedad in prievat kalekshanz alaung the Eest aand West Koest. She iz kurantle kampleeting her 2015 Ortist in Rezidans Proegraam in Nuark, N.J.

LUEK WAULTER choez tu pursu stil fatografe aat tha Skuel uv Vishual Orts in Nu Yaurk Site foloeing a yeer uv film stude aat Itthaka Kolaj. He ernd a Baachaler uv Fien Orts digre, akwiuring a weltth uv nolaj he wood laeter implamant in boetth persanal aand kamershal endeverz. Luek haaz sins dun just thaat, kantinyuasle praduesing foeto aand video werk faur kliants, aand egzibiting his ort in vaareas venyuez. Hwial he traavoolz aaz much aaz posibool, he reeziedz in Nu Jerae, werking tthruout the N.Y.S. metrapolitan airea
Ormd witth thaat adishanal infarmaeshan, perhaaps yu kaan iedentifi the ortist hu kreaetad eech uv tha peesaz I sho toodae witthout mi saplieing I.D.'z. I du, houwever, iedentifi tha werks uv tue uv the ortists, so saplieing tha ttherd shood be no problam. Permit me tu sagjest tu N.P.S. thaat if yu menshan tha yeer uv burtth uv wun uv tthre ortists yu feechur, reederz wood apreesheaet noeing tha yeer uv burtth uv the uther tue ortists aaz wel.
I found vere intrasting tha difrant tthingz thaat tha prints in this sho wer printad ON. I spotad Peet Tueme, a faurmer prinsipool uv Red Sau Gaalere aand perhaaps aulso its sakseser, Indeks Ort Senter, aand he toeld me about sum uv the ietamz in this shoe, hwich info I shair witth yu nou.

Tha prints beelo bi Luek Waulter wer laed doun apon kaastauf pliewood frum aan Iekea kraet, kut tu aproepreat siezaz.

Akaurding tu Peet, theez nekst smaul werks, eech no maur thaan aat moest 3" on tha laung sied, or aulso bi Luek Waulter, aand or printad on haandmaed paeper. Peet portisipaetad in tha paepermaeking werkshop held outsied N.P.S. a kupool uv muntths ago, aand reegaild me witth hou sum uv theez paeperz wer maed. I haad wontad tu get tu thaat eevent tu taek piks, but it wuz tue oorle in tha dae faur me, in thaat I aam stil, yeerz aafter reetiuring, on aan eevning- aur graevyord-shift sleep siekool. Gaalere Afero aulso had a seshan on paepermaeking tha dae beefaur N.P.S.'z werkshop, but I'm not kleer hwether Peet atendad boetth aur just tha wun outsied N.P.S.

In ene kaes, tha faent-blu rektaanggoolz abuv wer maed frum waurn-out denim (jeenz, I asuem). Peet toeld me hou tha klautth wuz smaashd doun intu pulp tu maek tha paeper. Utherz uv tha rektaanggoolz in this pikchur wer maed frum uther saursaz uv pulp. Wuns thaat freshle, haand-maed paeper haad dried, perhaaps in a loker outsied tha 2d-flaur entrans tu N.P.S., it wuz printad apon bi, I tthingk, silkskreen, aul witthin this ort-maeking kompleks aat tha kaurner uf Yueniversite Aavanyu aand Kambool Street in Dountoun Nuark. Tha hoeld proses, frum beegining tu end, frum MAEKING paeper tu printing on it tu displaeing it in a smaul gaalere, wuz dun riet heer in Nu Jerze's moest kulchurd site. I doen't noe if yu or imprest bi thaat, but I aam.
I just liv Nuwark.

I sau aat this sho sum peepool I haadan't seen out aand about faur a laung tiem, such aaz Nuark fatografer Sondro Goemesh aand hiz laung-tiem (doemestik) portner Lueesa Peensoen. Sondro wunderd if I reememberd him, aand I oenle vaegle did. I sed, "Yau'r frum Paurchagool." Kwiet so. Wuns he toeld me hiz ferst naem, I then kaem up witth "Gomes" (pranounst, in Paurchageez, góe.mesh), aand he kangraachoolaetad me on haaving a good memare. Unfaurchanatle, thaat wuz lorjle raung, aand I koodan't reemember tha naem uv hiz portner, hu I tthingk iz frum Kaloembea — but doen't kwoet me. I lookt onlien tu se if thaat wuz karekt, but did not fiend instant konfermaeshan. She toeld me her ferst naem, beekauz I koodan't reemember it aafter perhaaps aaz laung aas tthre aur eevan maur yeerz uv not seing her out aand about aat Nuark ort eevents. Aand hwi wood thaat be? It puzoolz me thaat I aufan du NOT se maejer Nuark orts staulwarts aat vaareas ort eevents outsied thair oen venyu.

I still kood not reemember Lueesa'z laast naem! She then saplied it: [Pinzón]. I menshand thaat I'm haaving sum memare problamz due tu aej, aand haav tu taek gingko (biloeba, aur just "gingko" — aur "ginkgo", tha stuepid 'preeferd' speling — tu help wit6th memare). Peet Tueme toeld me thaat Lueesa haad reesantle launcht her oen foeto stuedeo, hwich I fiend aaz being loekaetad on tha fiftth flaur uv 972 Braud Street, wun uv tha tue bildingz in hwich Rabeka Jaampoel haaz kreaetad aan ort-stuedeo empiur, the uther being Gaetwae Senter 2. We or vere luke tu haav a yung wooman uv Rabeka'z driev. Unfaurchanatle, I did not heer about thaat Augast eevent until this paast Saaturdae, so did not atend.

Kroud in litool gaalere triez tu lisan tu a breef prezantaeshan in tha nekst ruem. I koodan't heer a tthing.

I aaskt Sondro about hiz not kaareing hiz big kaamra witth telafoeto lenz, thaat I haad beekum akustamd tu seing. He sed he duzan't kaare it in jenral, but poold out a litool, wuterpruef Saamsung 'fun' kiend uv kaarma, lorjle yelo aand blaak(?), thaat he duz kaare. I menshand thaat I aulwaez kaare mi litool G.E., aand haav aaz wel a kaamra in mi selfoen, hwich I haav yuezd baesikale oenle hwen I TWIES egzaustad mi regyoolar kaamra'z baatereez aat tha Turtool Baak Zu. He sed he haaz bin tu thaat Zu, in West Oranj, oenle wuns, perhaaps nien yeers ago. I tthingk it's wertth maur freekwant vizits, but thaat's me. We diskustd thaat tha T.B.Z. haaz hilz, hwairaaz mene zuez wood not impoez hilz apon paetranz, esp. paarant hu haav tu poosh stroelerz.

Tha reesepshan wuz wel-atendad. Heer yu kaan se, left tu riet, Nuark ortists Leesa Konraad (a prinsipool uv N.P.S.), Jonlueka Byonkeeno, aand Steevan MiKenze (anuther prinsipool uv N.P.S.).

I need nou tu 'fes up tu aan embaarasing memare laaps. I nue fool wel HU Peeter Tueme wuz but kood not faur tha lief uv me reemember, aat N.P.S., hwut hiz naem iz. Aand I'm vere fond uv him! I reememberd him aaz being Ierish(?), but kood not tthingk uv ene Ierish naem he miet haav (e.g., Shaun, Kevin, Paatrik, Hyu). I nue hou tu serch faur hiz naem onlien, beekauz uv menshanz I haad maed uv him heer, but did not need tu du so beekauz witthin a kupool uv ouarz aafter geting hoem, I reememberd hiz naem. Beter laet thaan never? I wuz intreegd tu noe thaat he haaz reesantle bin intrastad in paeper-maeking aand printing, beekauz I iedentified him witth tha kaasting uv tthre-dimenshanal objekts in moeltan metal, I tthingk in sum neerbi burg, such aaz Montklair. I haav not yet atendad ene such moeltan-metal kaasting. Yu'd tthingk thaat Nuark, witth its industreal paast, wood be THE plaes in this kounte tu kaast metal skulpchurz. But it's apaarantle not, aat leest not yet.
In any case, after we checked out the NPS show, Jerry and I ventured to the Ferry Street Pathmark, soon to change to, I thought, a Stop & Shop due to the A&P bankruptcy. The slender, polite, white cashier I asked about when the changeover to Stop & Shop would occur, said that it is actually to become an Acme. Hm. Did I read the website wrong? He thought maybe the Bergen Street Pathmark was to become a Stop & Shop, but when I had, before then, investigated, I saw no reference to that store. We will in time see.
I thairaafter droev Jere tu Nuark Pen Staeshan faur hiz trip baak tu Manhaatan, aand hedad hoem mieself. This wuz a shaurt niet out, aand boetth plezant aand intrasting. I liek tha faakt thaat N.P.S. held its oepaning reesepshan on a Saaturdae raather thaan hwut iz maur koman in Nuark, Tthurzdae. Nuark orts or helping tu reeviev nietlief in Dountoun Nuark, aand Saaturdae iz much maur aproepreat a tiem faur peepool tu stae up laet Dountoun thaan iz Tthurzdae.
Let me nou poot up a fyu foetoez frum tha laast N.P.S. sho I atendad, Mae 17tth, "Not Yaur Tiep". I haad intendad tu du a shaurt poest on thaat sho laung beefaur nou, but I'm baakt up baadle. I keep taeking pikchurz — HUNDRADZ uv pikchurz — but kaanot jeneraet tha teksts tu sho them. This iz hwut miet be kauld äan embaarasmant uv richaz". But it haaz beekum just aan embaarasmant, thaat I haav bin unaebool tu yuez theez mene foetoez in this blog beekauz I aam tue prest bi tha mene uther tthingz I need tu du onlien. I doen't noe faur shuer hwether I aam aakchuale bizeur thaan ever beefaur, aur hwether I aam just no laungger eefishant. In ene kaes, I fiend mieself unaebool tu poot up aul tha poests I wont tu.

I haav bin seereasle reemis in NOT pooting up in tiemle faashan poest about tha vaareas ort eevents I haav atendad, eevan tho I haav taekan hundradz uv foetoez aat them. I get oeverhwelmd bi hou mene foetoez I haav taekan, aand tha nekst eevent aur foetagraafik ekspadishan diverts me. I probable haav foetoez eenuf faur TUE POESTS A DAE, but nutthing liek the enerje aand tiem tu KREAET such poests. I wil tri tu kaach up, aulbeit witth mene fyuar foetoez thaan I kood haav poot up haad I uploedad tiemle poest, so doen't be surpriezd if, goeing faurward, I poot up poests about eevents MUNTTHS AGO, insted uv just mueving faurward. I just haav tu fiend tiem, hwich iz faur me in shaurt saplie. Aand I aam FOOLE REETIURD!
Tha foeto abuv shoez a wied vyu uv tha "Not Yaur Tiep" shoe, inaasmuch aaz wun kaan get a wied vyu uv a smaul eksibishan spaes. N.P.S. shood du maur joint shoez witth Indeks Ort Senter, hwich haaz lots uv spaes, aand hwich haaz preezentad wun joint sho aulrede. N.P.S. iz praduesing mene ortwerks, in multipool kopeez bi printing pres, but duzan't haav tha spaes tu egzibit moest uv them.
Nou, beelo, apeerz a kloes vyu, reedabool aur not, uv a traanskript uv aan intervyu uv a seks afender, vere unyuezhual stuf faur aan ort sho, no?

Beelo apeer a gruep uv printad sienz thaat staet, in kaes yu kaan't reed them in tha foeto, "THA FYUCHUR BEELAUNGZ TU THE FYU UV US STIL WILING TU GET OUAR HAANDZ DERTE." Thaat's aan intrasting tthaut.

Fienale, heer iz a kloes vyu uv a smaul ortwerk kampriezing multipool paejaz uv, hwut? 5" x 4" siez? Yu weran't sapoezd tu pik it up tu flip tthru tu reed evre werd. So hwut'z tha point?

I reele liek tha Nuark Ptint Shop, eevan if I kaan't sho evreetthing in mi foetoez. It iz a hiele laudabool adishan tu Nuark orts. Heer iz info about its loekaeshan aand ouarz uv operaeshan faur viziterz.
304 Yueniversite Aavanyu FL 2 [2d flaur]
Nuark, N.J. 07102

OUARZ: Wenzdaez 6-10 (oepan stuedeo)
Saaturdaez 12-5
aand bi apointmant

Friday, September 25, 2015

Surpríezing Ménshanz uv N.J. on T.V.

(Noet: This poest iz Fanétisìezd WITTH áaksents faur siláabik stres. If yu haav a préfrans reegórding tekst witth áaksents aur witthóut, pleez let me noe yaur tthíngking véa éemail tu

I wuz stórtoold, aand plézantle surpríezd, tu se a kamérshal thaat kaulz Víenland tha "Hoem uv Pragréso" sueps. I haad no iedéa thaat Pragréso haad éne kanékshan witth Nu Jérze. Aul Nu Jérzeanz shood noe thaat tha Kámbool Suep Kúmpane iz hédkwaurterd in Káamdan, sum 40 míalz frum Víenland aand éevan déeper íntu Soutth Jérze.

I maed this skréenprìnt frum aan ónlien vérzhan uv tha kamérshal I'v seen.

I abzérvd heer on Juen 6, 2012:
I feel bétere abóut Soutth Jérze frum óuar ùninténdad wónderingz. Naurtth Jérze aand Soutth Jérze or áulmoest liek séparat staets, aaz reegórdz lóekal iedéntitè aand símpatthèez. But thae or boetth port uv tha saem smaul staet. Soutth Jérze, aat leest in the àagrikúlchural aand eksúrban ports uv Búrlingtan Kóunte thaat we tráavoold tthru, iz for maur lushc aand lúvle thaan I imáajind. Múerztoun in partíkyoolàr iz a fien, histáurik-lóoking toun, "raangkt númber wun in Múne máagazèen'z list uv tha best pláesaz tu liv in Amáirika in 2005."It iz just west uv Mount Láural, anúther lúvle lítool toun.

This trimd vyu uv the óepaning uv thaat kamérshal wuz áuferd aaz a skréenprìnt bi Tha Dáile Júrnal. Thaat stáure áulso inklúedz a vídeo uv tha fool kamérshal, hwich iz béing shoen in 21 réejanal mórkats, not just in N.J. aad its ajóining NY aand Fíle métro áireaz. (It apéerz thaat Tha Dáile Júrnal, a Ganét kúmpane, iz baest súmhwair in tha Víenland áirea, but I kood not fiend kònfermáeshan uv thaat beekáuz tha web dizíener apáarantlè did not wish tu shair thaat ínfo witth víziterz. Perháaps it iz port uv tha wébsìet, just vére wel hídan. Hwi wood éne web dizíener hied such báesik ìnfarmáeshan? Aand hwi, esp., wood a NUEZ àurganizáeshan hied thaat ínfo? Hwut éver háapand tu tha list uv kwéschanz thaat évre nuez stáure shood áanswer, tha Faur W'z aand Wun H ([fiev H'z, in Fanétik:] Hu, Hwut? HWAIR? Hwen? aand Hou?)?

I haav not yet maed it tu Víenland, but haav áulwaez bin intréegd bi its big yélo réktaanggòol in Kúmberland Kóunte thaat staandz out on tha maap.
In thaat mi teetth or in vére baad kandíshan, I eet a lot uv suep, inklúeding a lot uv Pragréso sueps beekauz thae or not kandénst, so I kaan just paur tha kóntents íntu a boel aand zaap tha boel in tha míekroewàev aur heet it in tha tóester-ùvan witthóut háaving tu maash up tthik kónsentràet aand then ster in wúter tu tri tu get a smueth reezúlt. Súmtiemz I éevan pyooráe sueps in tha blénder so I dóen't haav tu deel witth sólidz uv siez.
Néver haad I nóetist a Nu Jérze loekáeshan on éne Pragréso láebool. Hwen I lookt faur a loekáalitè, I sau óenle tha Jénral Fuedz H.Q. síte, Mìneáapalis.

Wuns I sau tha Víenland kamérshal, I chekt out tha Pragréso wébsìet aand saw thaat aulthó tha kúmpane wuz estáablisht in Nu Aurlanz in 1907, tha wébsìet iz vére fáurtthrìet abóut its N.J. òperáeshanz, hwich stórtad in 1942. It haaz réesantle bin wérking on èekalójikal reespònsibílite. Good tu noe.
Péneez frum Hévan. I wuz áulso surpríezd tu se in T.V. lístingz faur tha 1936 múeve Péneez frum Hévan, hwich ìntradúest tha saung uv tha saem naem, thaat the mail leed, plaed bi Bing Kráuzbè, wuz tu dalíver a léter frum aan éksakyùetad prízanèr tu "a fáamile`kauld Smitth neer Mídooltòun, Nu Jérze". I livd in Mídooltòun frum fiftth graed tthru hi skuel aand a kúpool uv yeerz beeyónd, so wuz pleezd aat tha ménshan. Unfáurchanatlè, tha film wuz not shot on loekáeshan in Mídooltòun. But it wuz nies tu se Mídooltòun, maur thaan just Nu Jérze, ménshand in a fáemas Hóleewòod múeve. I stórtad tu woch but laust íntrast áafter perháaps.
Nou aand then we se úther ménshanz uv N.J. in filmz, such aaz Jérze Goorl — hwich uv kaurs shood reed NU Jérze Goorl — (hwich wuz filmd in port in N.J., inklúeding Híelandz, hwich ajóinz Mídooltòun; Kévin Smitth's Klerks, hwich wuz filmd in port uv Mídooltòun, inklúeding tha ferst port uv Mídooltòun I livd in, Lèanórdo; Háarald & Kúemor Go tu Hwiet Káasool, ports uv hwich wer filmd in N.J.; aand uv kaurs tha wúnderfòol 'lítool' film, Tha Stáeshan Áejant, hwich wuz áulso filmd in port in N.J. Wikipeedea haaz aan órtikòol abóut filmz set hóele aur pórshalè in Nu Jérze. I doen't noe hou méne Nu Jérzeanz haav seen maur thaan a smaul fráakshan uv thoez múeveez. I doen't se a kómparabòol órtikòol abóut filmz set in Núark in partíkyoolèr, but du se ménshan uv tha Báatmàn múeve, Tha Dork Niet Riezaz, hwich I ménshand heer on Noevember 3, 2011. Hwen Núark's rèpyootáeshan imprúevz maur, perháaps fílmàekerz wil set safístikàetad múeveez heer. Thair iz a deeláe beetwéen áakchual imprúevmants in Núark aand imprúevmants in tha síte's rèpyootáeshan. Let's hoep thaat fílmàekerz kaan help péepool ajúst thair persépshanz tu the áakchual náechur uv toodáe'z Núark, aand leev tha paast hwair it beeláungz, in tha paast.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

S.O. Páatthmòrk, Suen tu Be Stop & Shop

(Noet: This poest iz Fanetisiezd, but witthout aaksents faur silaabik stres. If yu prefer the aaksents aur tekst without aaksents, pleez let me noe yaur tthingking vea eemail tu

Yu mae haav herd thaat Tha Graet Aatlaantik & Pasifik Te Cumpane (the A&P), foundad in 1859, haaz gaun baangkrupt aand iz seling auf aur kloezing moest aur aul uv its staurz, inklueding tha Fere Street (Nuark) and Soutth Oranj Paatthmorks. I doen't noe hwut iz tu haapan tu tha Bergan Street Paatthmork in Nuark naur tha Lianz Ploza Paatthmork in Ervingtan. Neether uv them iz listad amung thoez tu be kloezd naur amung thoez tu be soeld.
Thair or faur maejer suepermorkats rufle eekwidistant (about 2½ mialz) frum me: the Eest Oraj ShopRiet (oepan 24 ouarz a dae), Bergan Street Paatthmork (aulso 24 ouarz), Paatthmork uv Lianz Ploza (oepan frum 6:00 a.m. tu 1 a.m.), aand tha Soutth Oranj Paatthmork (7 a.m. tu 11 p.m., 10 p.m. on Sundae). Thair'z aulso a Fued Deepo, 3.3 mialz frum me, but hwich iz oepan frum oenle 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Givan mi skejool, I yuezhuale go oenle tu a 24-ouar staur, aand most komanle the Eest Oranj ShopRiet. Wuns tha Nuark ShopRiet oepanz, hwich wil be about 2.85 mialz awae, I mae swich tu thaat hwen I go tu a ShopRiet, but sins it haazan't oepand yet, I dóen't noe if it wil be oepan 24/7.

I jenrale go tu tha Fere Street Paatthmork, aulso oepan 24 ouarz but aulmoest fiev mialz awae, oenle hwen I meet mi frend Jere, hu kumz in frum Manhaatan faur Nuark ort-sho oepaning reesepshanz, so he kaan chek a fyu ietamz beefaur I driev him tu Nuark Pen Staeshan tu hed baak tu tha West Sied. Aul theez suepermorkats or vere nies staurz, much lorjer thaan tha suepermorkats thaat wer availabool neer me hwen I livd in Manhaatan (Midtoun West, faurmerle noen aaz "Hel'z Kichan"; ole, Jere iz nou living on tha saem blok, 46tth Street beetween Nientth aand Tentth Aavanyuez, aaz I did faur 25 yeerz). I tthingk tha Fere Street Paatthmork iz sabstaanshale lorjer thaan tha Bergan Street staur.
I haav herd thaat aul Kaustko staurz or aurganiezd on tha saem plaan, tho I'm not shuer thaat's tru. Mi sister Treena, hu livz in Laung Beech, KA, luvd Kaustko laast we spoek uv it. I doen't beelaung tu Kaustko aand wil not join, givan thaat tha Kliftan Kaustko, neerast tu me, hwich iz not neer) shoez NO INFO about hwut iz in aan ial, aand thair or no kampyueter keosks tu pravied thaat info. I wil not hunt tthru the entiur staur aat raandam. Naur did Kaustko eevan aufer a wun-dae gest paas hwen I inkwiurd. So tha hek witth Kaustko. I wil haav tu deel witth tha faakt thaat eech uv tha supermorkats I go tu iz aurganiezd difrantle, hwich iz a litool anoiying.

Maanajmant haaz stopt lieting tha Paatthmork sign on Vaale Street. Hwi? I haav twies nou drivan paast it beekauz it iz no laungger a vizibool laandmork, aand haad tu go tthru tha CVS porking lot tu get tu tha Paatthmork porking lot. The reefyuezal tu liet tha sien mae be kausting Paatthmork tunz uv mune, aaz peepool hu driev bi asuem tha staur iz aulrede kloezd. Thaat iz VERE stuepid uv maanajmant.

Tha Bergan Streete Paatthmork underwent a reaurganizaeshan a kupool uv yeerz ago, hwich led tu mi haaving sum problamz fiending tthingz. It didan't much maater, tho, beekauz maur thaan wuns, in maur thaan wun Paatthmork, hwen I haav aaskt aan emploiye hwair aan ietam iz loekaetad, thae haav aakchuale WAUKT ME OEVER tu it! The moest helpfool eneewun haaz bin in the Eest Oranj ShopRiet wuz a jent hu wuz stoking a daire kaes a dae aur so ago hu toeld me witth spesifisite hwair tu fiend a kupool uv ietamz, but did not persanale wauk me tu them. I hoep tha nu oenerz uv tha tue loekal Paatthmorks tu be traansfered tu Stop & Shop wil kantinyu the ekstraurdinerile good kustamer servis thaat Paatthmork praviedz.

Ailtho yu shood be aebool tu reed eezile tha lorj noetis "KLOEZING", thair iz a smauler baaner tu tha left thaat anounsaz thaat Stop & Shop iz "KUMING SUEN". The "KUMING SUEN" iz eeze tu reed aat this rezalueshan aand lieting. Tha "Stop & Shop", not so much.

In ene kaes, heer'z the afishal staetmant about chaenjaz frum A&P, hwich iz baest in Montvail (Bergan Kounte), N.J.
On Jooli 20, 2015, Tha Graet Aatlaantik & Pasifik Te Kumpane (A&P) anounst thaat it eksakyuetad aaset purchas agreemants kuvering aproksimatle 120 staurz aat a purchas pries uv aproksimatle $600 milyan. In adishan, A&P sikyuerd finaansing uv $100 milyan aand volanterile fiald faur chaapter 11. Faur tha majorite uv ouar kustamerz, we du not ekspekt this tu haav ene impaakt on yaur shoping ekspeereans.

Tha vaast majorite uv oua staurz or operaeting naurmale aand wil be foole stokt duering this proses. Hwial sum staurz wil kloez in tha neer-term, tha vaast majorite wil kantinyu pravieding kustamerz witth tha saem hi-kwolite produkts aand eksepshanal kustamer servis. We wil aulso kantinyu tu oner aul egzisting kustamer pramoeshanal aand loialte proegraamz. Serving ouar kustamerz haaz bin aand wil kantinyu tu be ouar #1 priorite.

We apreesheaet yaur sapaurt, aand tthaangk yu faur yaur kantinyued biznaz."

On September 18tth, Tha Waul Street Jurnal reepaurtad this kantemptibool aand disonarabool beehaevyer.
... A&P[] paed out $9.4 milyan in boenasaz aand uther ekstra paemants tu insiederz in tha 12 muntths beefaur its Jooli baangkrupse but haazan't publikle naemd tha reesipeants in kaurt fialingz.

Akaurding tu kaurt dokyoomants, aet A&P aufiserz aand direkterz reeseevd tha mune, hwich inkluedad $1.3 milyan in tha faurm uv boenasaz. Anuther $6 milyan, doeld out in Aeprool, iz laeboold aaz trust kontribyueshanz, hwial $2.1 milyn in paemants wuz reepaurtad aaz baurd/kansulting feez. The ekstra pae wuz port uv $13 milyan kalektad bi a duzan unaemd aufiserz aand direkterz, a toetal thaat aulso inkluedad saalare, benafits aand ekspens reimbursmants. * * *

Shortly after filing its payment information, A&P moved on Sept. 9 to cut off the union contracts for 90% of the company’s 28,500 employees.

Baangkruptse ruelz reekwiur kumpaneez thaat seek pratekshan fru krediterz tu diskloez paemants tu insieders duering tha 12-muntth peeread leeding up tu a baangkruptse fialing. Tha reekwiurmant inkluedz naeming tha reesipeants, hwich tipikale haapanz witthout prompting frum autthoriteez. [Mi komentere: But heer, tha kumpane iz trieing tu hied is misdeedz.]
Boetth tha Soutth Oranj aand Fere Street staurz wil be kanvertad tu Stop & Shops. Stop & Shop iz a subsideeyere uv a DUCH kumpane, Ohoeld[?] Tho I aam lorjle Duch in aansestre, aaz atestad tu bi mi laast naem, Schoonmaker [aangglisiezd aaz Skuenmaeker; Duch pranunseaeshan, Skhoenmoker], I disapruev uv Amairkian kumpaneez seling out tu foranerz — ANE foranerz.
Tha Stop & Shop Suepermorkat Kumpane, noen aaz Stop & Shop, iz a chaen uv suepermorkats loekaetad in tha naurttheestern Yoonietad Staets. Frum its beeginningz in 1892 aaz a smaul groesere staur, it haaz groen tu beekum tha lorjast suepermorkat operaeter in suthern Nu Inggland, witth neerle 400 staurz chaen-wied.

Stop & Shop haaz bin a hoele-oend sabsideeyere uv tha Duch suepermorkat operaeter Ohoeld sins 1995 aand haaz bin port uv tha Stop & Shop/Jiant-Laandoever divizhan sins a 2004 merjer witth sister chaen Jiant. Stop aand Shop's paarant kumpane, Roial Ohoeld, anounst on Juen 24tth, 2015 thaat it wil be merjing witth Dalez Gruep, priemerile a groesere staur kanqglomerat inklueding Y.S. groesere chaenz Haanafard aand Fued Lian.
Wikipeedea sez uv Dalez:
Dalez Gruep ... iz a fued reetailer hedkwaurterd in Onderlekht, Brusoolz, Beljam hwich operaets in sevan kuntreez aand on tthre kontinants. Tha prinsipool aaktivite uv Dalez Gruep iz the operaeshan uv fued suepermorkats.

This iz not A&P'z ferst faurae intu seling out tu foranerz. Akaurding tu Wikipeedea, in tha laet 1970z "the airz uv tha arijinal oenerz, aand tha foundaeshan thaat oend a majorite uv tha stok, soeld tu tha Jerman Tengalmon Gruep. A&P then launcht a staur-kloezing proegraam finaanst bo tha surplus aasets uv its penshan plaan."Noet thaat: thae raedad the emploiyeez' penshan plaan tu shut doun staurz, aand thus, preezuemable, tu tthro peepool out uv werk! Monsterz aand ttheevz! Thaat Jerman kumpany soeld it in 2012. But nou difrant foranerz or bieying up a maejer Amairikan kumpane. Hwi iz this permitad?
I tthaut Stop & Shop wuz just a chaen uv smaul kanveenyans staurz, witth tha hiur priesaz wun ekspekts uv kanveenyans staurz, but it apaarantle iz a maejer operaeter uv regyoolar suepermorkats. I doen't noe hou its priesaz kampair tu thoez uv tha prezant Paatthmorks, aand unles S&S iz oepan 24/7, I'm unliekle tu go thair auftan, unles I kaan't fiend sumtthing aat a ShopRiet. I reesantle diskuvered, tu mi dismae, thaat the E.O. SR haaz apaarantle stopt stoking its staur-braand pouderd milk, aand tha reeplaesmant it nou auferz, Vilaj Form braand, duz not kum in tha 20-kwaurt siez I haav kustamerile baut but oenel in aan 8-kwaurt siez, iz maur ekspensiv, aand taests fune tu e. Paatthmork's Amairika'z Chois (A&P hous braand 20-kwaurt boks wuz a kupool uv dolerz maur ekspensiv thaan SR'z oen braand, but I found it on sail aat the Soutth Oranj Paatthmork, kloes tu tha faumer SR staur-braand pries. It taests much beter thaan Vilaj Form. I yuez a lot uv pouderd milk, maenle faur instant maasht pataetoez but aulso faur kaufe, hot chauklat, te, aand such, aand keep waeting faur ShopRiet tu aufer its staur braan agen. I must wunder, nou, hwut braand Stop & Shop wil aufer, aat hwut pries. I am not partikyoolarle saanggwin. I aam 70 (aand ¾) yeerz oeld, so haav seen a LOT uf chaenj. Nouadaez it seemz thaat the oenle chaenj iz faur tha wers.

Did no wun pruefreed this sien beefaur it wuz printad? If not, hwi not? Pruefreederz or not dispensabool, beekauz mene peepool se hwut thae intendad tu riet, not hwut thae aakchuale roet.

Faur nou, priesaz or beter!, beekauz tha Soutth Oranj Paatthmork iz diskounting a graet mene ietamz bi 10%-30%! I haad tu bi tue fle kolarz faur mi kaats, aand saevd $1.98 on eech.

Neerle-empte porking lot around 10:15 p.m., 3/4 uv aan our beefaur kloezing tooniet. Hwi?

Odle, hwen I wuz in tha staur tooniet beefaur 10:30 p.m., thair wuz aulmoest no wun thair. Perhaaps peepool tthaut it haad kloezd aulrede. Perhaaps thae didan't noe thaat not oenle iz tha staur oepan its regyoolar ouarz but it iz aulso aufering maasiv diskounts on kurant stok.

Faur mi port, I shaal haav tu tthingk about tthingz I miet profitable bie in this (unpreediktable) shaurt windo (weeks aur muntths raather thaan yeerz) beefaur Stop & Shop taeks oever, beekauz I seereasle dout thaat tha priesaz Stop & Shop wil chorj wil be loeur thaan tha priesaz nou on aufer aat 10-30% diskount. If yu liv witthin eeze drieving distans uv eether tha Soutth Oranj aur tha Fere Street Paatthmork, yu miet won tu du tha saem.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Wílsan ("Skáurbriks") Ort Egzíbit in 27 Miks

I haav áadad méne fóetoez tu mi diskúshan uv Tthúrzdae'z Háulze Street Póp-Ùp Féstival / Blok Pórte. If yu háavan't seen them, yu kaan skroel doun wun blógpòest tu reed thaat poest, aur klik heer tu go tu it diréktle.

Hwíal wáuking tthru laast niet's Háulze Street Póp-Ùp Féstival, I spótad a famílyar faes, tha Núark órtist Jaemz Wílsan (sénter, beeló), hu iz áulso noen aaz [Scorebrx] aand [#scorebrx], hwair "brx" staandz faur "Briks" = "Brik Síte" = Núark YSA.

Aaz we shook haandz, he toeld me he haaz aan ort egzíbit aat tha réstarònt 27 Miks up tha street, hwich áulso servz aaz aan ort gáalerè faur róetaeting ègzíbits. So aaz I got tu thaat point in tha street fair, I went in tu fóetagràaf hiz werks. This nekst fóeto shoez port uv tha KROUD aat 27 Miks, hwich réstarònt haaz wied daurs tu óepan tha plaes tu fresh air dúering byúetifòol wéthur, such aaz we haad laast niet/

Jaemz iz wun uv mi fáevrit órtists, aand not just beekáuz he iz proud tu be a Núarker, aaz shoen bi hiz váareas "I Hort Nwk" péesaz.
Tha ferst órtwèrk yu enkóunter on éntering iz "Dok Brij I" ($400), hwich apéerz tu be baest on tha ráilròad líft-brìj (tho I haav néver seen it in raezd pazíshan) akráus tha Pasáeik Ríver tu Háarisan frum Núark Pen Staeshan.

Heer, out uv spáeshal [spatial] (aur "spatial") séekwans, iz "Dok Brij II" (áulrede soeld). I'm not kleer aaz tu hwut tha dífransaz or. Perháaps thae or just dífrant kúlerz.

Nekst kumz tha ferst uv hiz "I Hort Nwk" péesaz, hwich apéerz tu be a print ($100).

This nekst "I Hort Nwk" iz wun uv tthre órtwèrks on hwut apéer tu be hwéel-las skáetbàurd baurdz (this wun $100).

This wun iz dífrant kúlerz but tha saem pries.

I chekt "" onlíen. It did not werk. Hoom. Jaemz?

This nekst pees iz port uv "Véenas" Séereez  ($60).

In this nekst fóeto yu kaan se tha Véenas aand Dok Brij II péesaz.

Aand heer yu se wun uv a "G.C.M." Séereez ($300).

Tha réstarònt wuz PAAKT dúering tha Póp-Ùp Féstival, ínsied aand in tha spléndid óepan-àir páateo out baak, shoen beeló.

In adíshan tu órtwèrks in reevólving èksibíshanz, 27 Miks pérmanantle displáez this lorj káanvas bi Àalagzáandra Páakyoola, "Unstáebool Deelíet", 2006.

I doen't noe hou good tha fued iz, beekáuz I áulmoest néver eet out. I haav vére baad teetth, inhéritad frum mi fóther, aand need tu ekspláur ló-kàust aur fre déntal sérvisaz. Náachrale, óuar disgráesfoole ináadakwat aand unfáir atémpt aat yùenivérsal héltthkair faur the élderlè, Médikàir, duz not kúver déntistrè. Hwi wood it? Thaat wood maek sens, aand this kúntre kaan néver du éneetthing kampléetle riet. Médikàir iz abóut 45% riet. Not good eenúf. Máebe tha staets aur éevan myuenísipáalitêez uv tha aadváanst (sívilìezd) ports uv this kúntre kaan maek up faur hwut Médikàir duz not kúver but shood. The Féderal Médikàed próegraam kúverz sum déntal sérvisaz, but óenle faur childran. It's up tu staets tu deesíed hwéther tu pravíed déntal kair tu áadults, aand I du not yet noe if N.J. iz wun uv tha staets in hwich éne déntistre iz paed faur. Wunz I get mi teetth fikst, I'l haav tu tri tha fued aat 27 Miks.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Haulze Street Blok Porte (THIS EEVNING) bi ene Uther Naem ...

Noet: Aul poests in this Fanetik blog haav heertoofaur inkluedad ritan aaksents tu sho up tu tthre levoolz uv silaabik stres. Toodae, houwever, I am omiting the aaksents, tu se if reederz kaan reed tha tekst aaz eezile aur perhaaps eevan maur eezile. I wil heeraafter aulternaet aaksentad and non-aaksentad teksts. Unaaksentad teksts or much eezeur faur me tu jeneraet, but wil thae be aaz eeze tu reed? I wood apreesheaet feedbaak frum reederz on this ishu, vea eemail tu Tthaangk yu.
Updaet, Mundae, 9/21, 10:25 a.m.: I haav aadad sabstaanshale tu this poest, aaz bi inserting foetoez beetween paaragraafs uv the eemail invitaeshan tu the eevent. I did atend aand taek a graet mene foetoez, sum uv hwich wer fuze but utherz uv hwich wer yuezabool aafter further prosesing, beeyond the autamaetad baach-prosesing I kaan du in mi graafiks proegraam, Jaask Paent Shop Pro 8. I haav aulso kreaetad a Pikosa Onlien aalbam uv tha bulk uv tha preezentabool piks (it wuz dork out bi tha tiem I got tu the afair, but street-lieting praduest liet levoolz tue lo faur haandheld pikchur-taeking aand tue hi faur sum flaash sichuaeshanz.)

I liftad this graafik frum Nuark Puls, hwich iz probable O.K. witth thaat sins it givz maur publisite tu this eevent aand tu thaat eevent-noetifikaeshan websiet.

A fyu yeerz ago, thair wer sevral blok porteez on Haulze Street eech sumer, fundad aat leest in port bi tha Site uv Nuark. But aaz port uv kaust-kuting, tha Site endad its sapaurt, aand tha porteez stopt. Yesterdae I reeseevd eemail noetis thaat "Blok Porteez reeturn tu Haulze Street biger and beter thaan ever", on Haulze Street frum Sentral Aavanyu tu Nu Street, frum 4:30-9:30pm. This tiem, the akaezhan iz kauld a "Pop-Up Festival", inklueding:
Liev Myuezik aand D.J. inkluedz D.J. Wola, The Frek Sho aand liev perfaurmansaz by Aarinz[?], Kaash da Dedmaan, Sune Gaang aand maur.
Poatre Siefer bi Them Kloud Kidz aand EevolvN.J., Faashan Sho bi Morko Haul aand SHE Bueteek aand hair stialing bi Kut Kreaeterz, Daans perfaurmans bi Brik Site Bongra
Jualre Demoez bi Ortizan Kalektiv, Shoogar Skrub saampling bi Pueka, Liev Glaasbloeing bi GlaasRuets, Yoega bi IemSoYoegaNuark, Ort Projekts bi Nuark Myuezeam
Kaurnhoel bi Jime Jonz, Spin tu Win bi N.J. Devoolz, Foeto Buetth, PingPong aand gaemz bi Militere Pork aand maur!
Kaash bor witth saanggrea aand beer bi 27 Miks, On-siet griling bi Burger Wola, Fued aand treets by 27 Miks, Horvast Taebool, Edo'z [Eedo'z? Aedo'z?] Dazert Lounj aand Kween'z Peetsa, fre saampling bi Green SheekPe [ChikPe?] aand Jime Jon'z
Miks, minggool aand shop witth Morco Haul, SHE Bueteek, Pueka, Kern Brues, Farever Audaeshas,, Nuark Puls, N.J.P.O.S., aand mene maur!
Yu kaan se the entiur eemail inviet onlien.

[Faurrmer tekst:] I'l tri tu get tu this porte, eevan tho I haav mene topiks tu adres aulrede ...

[Nu tekst:] I did atend this blok porte, eevan tho I haad mene topiks tu adres aulrede (54 in a blog-prep taebool aat Jooli 26th; aand maur sins then), aand eenaurmas numberz uv unyuezd reesant foetoez (271 taekan this muntth; 337 laast muntth). On tha wae thair, I spotad sumtthing nu thaat I needad tu adres, aand took a bunch uv foetoez thair beefaur I atendad tha Pop-Up Festival. Beetween tha tue aireas, I took anuther 119 foetoez, perhaaps 12 uv hwich wer tue fuze tu yuez, givan tha neether/naur lieting aat the tiem (neether nietiem naur daeliet).

I sau oenle a fyu peepool I nue, but sum uv them wer aaz pleezd aaz I wuz witth tha turnout, hwich wuz much graeter thaan I haad ekspektad.

Thair wuz reele tue much goeing on faur me tu du a naarativ heer, but I did kreaet a Pikosa Onlien Aalbam uv 53 foetoez (inklueding thoez abuv), tha kaapshanz uv hwich pravied much tha saem info aaz wood a naarativ heer. I embed a sliedsho uv thaat aalbam beelo. If it duz not apeer, yu kaan go direktle tu the aalbam aat this YRL aand then klik on tha sliedsho opshan aat top left. In eether kaes, yu kaan reed tha kaapshanz aur hied them, aand pauz tha displae if yu wont tu chek faur deetailz in a givan foeto, aur tu reed a lengktthe kaapshan, then reezuem tha foetagraafik paraed hwen yau'r rede.